Leather Collection
Created from the finest quality leather, our products are designed to be functional yet stylish companions for your cherished writing experience . From a simple pen case, luxurious penfolium to a vintage notebook cover, you'll be sure to find your taste here. Be ready and take a dive into our Leather world now!

Proudly being our brand spanking new leather product line, Leather Notebook Cover made its debut in a monumental way with the most compact interior. Made with vegetable-tanned genuine cow leather and designed with multiple storages, our notebook cover is an ultimate storage to protect your everyday essentials.

Penbrace and Penfolium
Designed with the most compact yet powerful functions, Penbrace and Penfolium promise you the best protection for your writing instruments in a soft and durable leather outfit. Another essential feature is the product's compatibility that can fit perfectly with pens of many sizes. Brought to you in a handy and lightweight design, Penbrace and Penfolium is proudly the ideal selection for business, travelers, and writing instrument enthusiasts.