A Japanese Spring Bird
Uguisu Bird (also known as Japanese Nightingale or Japanese Bush-Warbler) has a slightly dark olive green plumage and is usually more heard than seen due to its highly secretive nature. Despite the recognizable feather, Uguisu has rarely been seen by many people as the bird hides itself under the shadow of foliages. Instead, Uguisu boasts a distinctive call that can be heard in the early spring. For that reason, it is considered a symbol of spring in Japan and also well-known as Spring Bird or Hanami Bird.
When it comes to the Bush-Warbler, Japanese people will immediately think of Uguisu bird on the branch of Ume flowers (Japanese Plum Blossom). They are one of the traditional pairings of flowers and birds and the motif in Japanese paintings and other arts, such as Haiku poems and Hanafuda cards.
From Traditional Uguisu Color to Our True Urushi Uguisu-Iro

As the name suggests, Uguisu color (鶯色) is a mixture of olive green and khaki derived from the characteristic hue of Uguisu Bird feather. As an iconic and fresh color, the Japanese make use of this particular green to add it in traditional clothing such as kimono and yukata, or traditional sweet “Uguisu-mochi” - famous rice cake with sweet red bean paste inside and green tea powder sprinkled outside.
With a view to continuing the promotion of cultural beauty through typical Japanese colors, our artisans at Wajima have tried and created the closest resemblance to the traditional Uguisu color for the second generation of the True Urushi line-up. Since Uguisu Bird is a sign of early spring and a new beginning, we start opening Pre-order for True Urushi Uguisu-Iro during this holiday season, and you can anticipate receiving the artwork next March - when Uguisu sings and the Ume flowers peak bloom.