Wancher received Vibrant HABATAKU SME300 Award

Wancher received Vibrant HABATAKU SME300 Award

SME300 Award 2019 has brought us to another milestone in our company history!

On June 04th, 2019, among thousands of growing enterprises across Japan, we were selected as one of the 300 companies for "Vibrant HABATAKU Small and Medium Enterprises 300" Award.

This award is given to selected small and medium enterprises who were found "superior in various fields, including enacting productivity enhancements through the introduction of IT services and effective use of managerial resources, active overseas business expansion and acquisition of inbound demand, and utilization of diverse human resources and smooth transitions of business succession." (according to Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry). We are honoured by this recognition, which definitely motivates us to fight for greater goals.

For more details about this award, please visit here.

On behalf of everyone at Wancher, I would like to express my sincere thank you to all of you who has been greatly supporting us since the beginning days.

This award brought us the recognition but also challenges. And that encourages us to keep improving and striving for faster and better developments.

I hope this does not only help to guarantee your trust in us but also deliver a positive encouragement for whoever are trying for their bright future!

Best regards,

Oita, Japan, June 2019

President of Wancher Inc.

Taizo Okagaki

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