Featured on Tokyo Television
Gaia no yoake
It was one of our honorable moments to be featured by Tokyo Television on their well-known program, Gaia no Yoake, on their 1073th episode which was aired on July 21st, 2023. The program has been running on the channel for over two decades and still counting. Various topics such as economic trends, businesses, and enterprises of all sizes based in Japan.
Photo by Tokyo TV
Our Story
On May 2023, Tokyo Television (テレビ東京), a television channel based in Tokyo, came to the Wancher office to feature us on their program Gaia no Yoake(ガイアの夜明け).
Wancher is a Japanese company that has diverse employees from various countries. Since 2011, Wancher has been hiring International students mainly from Oita Prefecture. With our goal of spreading traditional crafts and artistry to the world, we were delighted to introduce and share our message in the program. It was an honor to be featured on Gaia no Yoake. We extend our utmost gratitude and well wishes to Tokyo Television for coming all the way to our office in Oita and giving us this opportunity.
Featured Fountain pens
Our greatest honor doesn’t stop until the television cover our story, but we get the chance to introduce several lineups.
The pens are:
True Maki-e Sakura, Dream Pen Raden Sun Pillar, Raden Diamond Dust Kiei Urushi, Aizu Urushi, True Urushi, Tsugaru Urushi, Zogan, and Echizen Urushi.
Special Feature on Kinpaku Maki-e Pens
Besides that, the program highlights the process of how our fountain pen becomes a product. From sending the plain fountain pen base until the art is finished. The broadcast team joined us to visit the house of the prominent Japanese Urushi art Master, Yoko Hirota to see and discuss the final result.
Photo credit by Tokyo TV
Watch the back number on Tokyo Television here:
Read the short summary by Tokyo TV here: